Sample Selector

Sample Selector is a tool for creating and editing samples, or groups of data you compare across—they're not "samples" in the statistical sense, but more like filters.

By default, a single sample exists: "All Data". With the Sample Selector, you can create new samples to organize your data.

You can use samples to:

A sample is composed of one or more filters, specific conditions that narrow down your sample.

Creating a sample

The general process for creating a sample is to:

The effect of multiple filters

DataShop interprets each filter after the first as an additional restriction on the data that is included in the sample. This is also known as a logical "AND". You can see the results of multiple filters in the sample preview as soon as all filters are "saved".


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Export Format History

The following is a list of changes to the various export formats, arranged by time of the change.

Transaction format

October 2013

  • Added Transaction Id column.
  • Level(level_name) changed to Level (level_name)
  • KC(model_name) changed to KC (model_name)
  • KC Category(model_name) changed to KC Category (model_name)
  • CF(custom_field_name) changed to CF (custom_field_name)

June 2013

  • Removed ".0" from the end of timestamps in the columns Time and Problem Start Time.

July 2011

  • Added Problem View column.
  • Added Problem Start Time column.

January 2010

  • Renamed # to Row.
  • Renamed Total # Hints to Total Num Hints.

August 2009

  • Added Duration (sec) column.

Student-step format

October 2013

  • Knowledge Component(model_name) changed to KC (model_name), with multiple KCs on a step separated by two tildes ("~~").
  • Opportunity(model_name) changed to Opportunity (model_name), with multiple KCs on a step separated by two tildes ("~~").
  • Predicted Error Rate(model_name) changed to Predicted Error Rate (model_name), with multiple KCs on a step separated by two tildes ("~~").

June 2013

  • Removed ".0" from the end of timestamps in the columns Step Start Time, First Transaction Time, Correct Transaction Time, and Step End Time.

January 2010

  • Renamed # to Row.
  • Added Condition.

August 2009

  • Renamed Assistance Time (sec) to Step Duration (sec).
  • Renamed Correct Step Time (sec) to Correct Step Duration (sec).
  • Added Error Step Duration (sec) column.
  • Removed Step Time, which was the time of the first correct attempt or, in the absence of a correct attempt, the final transaction on that step.
  • Added Correct Transaction Time.

Student-problem format

October 2013

  • Avg Correct changed to Avg Corrects

June 2013

  • Removed ".0" from the end of timestamps in the columns Problem Start Time and Problem End Time.
  • Added Condition column.

January 2010

  • Renamed # to Row.

KC Model export

October 2013

  • KC Model (model_name) changed to KC (model_name)
  • Avg. Incorrects changed to Avg Incorrects
  • Avg. Hints changed to Avg Hints
  • Avg. Corrects changed to Avg Corrects
  • Avg. Step Duration (sec) changed to Avg Step Duration (sec)
  • Avg. Correct Step Duration (sec) changed to Avg Correct Step Duration (sec)
  • Avg. Error Step Duration (sec) changed to Avg Error Step Duration (sec)

August 2009

  • Renamed Avg Assistance Time to Avg Step Duration.
  • Renamed Avg Correct Step Time to Avg Correct Step Duration.
  • Added Avg Error Step Duration.
Version 10.4.6 April 25, 2019